August 12, 2023
Cape Breton, NS – August 6-12, 2023
The week began with the arrival of youth group from southern Manitoba, then on Monday and Tuesday the arrival of three long-term volunteers to make our number 26 in total. Despite some rain this week, we were able to accomplish good things.
Nadine’s kitchen, bathroom and painting of bedrooms was completed, and a dedication celebration was held in her home with some of the MDS volunteers, a few friends, and some family. Nadine had been living in a hotel while her home was being repaired and had wanted to wait for completion before seeing the repairs. She was very excited to be able to move home again! This was an emotional experience of praise and gratitude for all of us.
Some of the group worked on shingling Pushpa’s roof, completing 2 sides.
We were also able to help in the community by doing yard work at the Legion and at the community centre, where we did interior painting and yard work.
The deck and ramp were replaced at a home for an elderly lady.
Another group was redoing the siding of gable ends of the house and painting some rooms of the interior.
On Thursday during sharing, we heard the stories of how people here appreciate what MDS is doing in this community. This included Ike Epp, who had stopped at a local business and was approached by a person expressing his gratitude for MDS. And a homeowner remarked to the crew how much MDS has changed their (family’s) lives by helping in this home.
Submitted by Priscilla Epp
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