Check out the TWO new books from MDS

Check out the TWO new books from MDS

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Shingling on April’s house continued and is nearing completion. The rain dictated the progress at times, but with all hands-on deck on Tuesday it helped to further the shingling effort. Roles were reversed at the end of the day with the teens completing the roof adhesive job while the “older” guys cleaned up.

Heather expressed appreciation for the work done and was so pleased to be home again! The caulking, trimming, and painting continued and reached completion by mid-week.

The crew reported that Ron’s house was ready for the trusses; the installation of insulation and vapor barrier took place in the interior. Next on the agenda is to apply the dreaded acoustic sealant.

In preparation for work to begin at Linda’s, a crew of four chopped down tall growth around the house to allow for scaffolding. During the cleaning up process, items found hidden in the brush were a TV, porch, computer, and a $5 bill. Since it would her birthday the next day, the thoughtful group of four women picked daisies, sang Happy Birthday and presented her with the $5 bill.

Roman, the Project Manager, read a letter received from the mother of a daughter whose home MDS had repaired. The mother commented that her daughter had experienced shelter insecurity for the past few years and now saw her daughter come back from despair. The work done was beyond what she could even have imagined and was finding restoration in her faith in God and humanity. She was grateful for God’s handpicked team that came to walk alongside them during these difficult times.

MDS as an organization has given both the long and short-term volunteers the opportunity for numerous new experiences and exposures. Whether it is on the job site and learning how to use a scissor lift, gaining an understanding of the need to do strapping to install drywall on the ceiling, laying click flooring, or the inexperienced getting step by step training on how to shingle a roof with the guidance of a crew leader, all are invaluable skills learnt.

Another rewarding aspect of service is exposure to the Maritimes—joining a local fisherman at 4 a.m. for lobster catching, enjoying the beauty of rocky shorelines while driving the Cabot Trail, a weekly lobster dinner cooked in the MDS kitchen (season ends on July 15), touring the Miner’s Museum and learning from retired miners about the lives of Glace Bay coal miners and how the mines operated.

Then there are taking lunch breaks at the ocean, a relaxing Sunday afternoon at the Louisburg lighthouse, walking the trail or listening to water crashing against the shoreline and waving to kayakers as they pass by, or receiving a heartfelt thank you three times from a client in one day.

In fact, the benefits and blessings of MDS service are too numerous to mention. As volunteers, we thank MDS for the opportunities provided to help further God’s Kingdom in the Martimes area.

Submitted by: Roman Heuft, Henry Wiens and Donelda Friesen

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