August 26, 2023
Cape Breton, NS – August 20-26, 2023
Here we are to the end of another week at the Cape Breton Project. But not only the end of the week—also the end of our time here in Cape Breton.
The short-term volunteers this week are the Wiens family from Manitoba, and the Strathdees from ON. They worked with the long-term volunteers carried on with the project tasks that had been started previously at Nadine’s, Shelbie’s and at Ben’s.
As the week progressed, more work was completed such as the repair to the ceiling in Nadine’s kitchen. At Shelbie’s the water pipes under her trailer were insulated and heat tape applied as well as the trailer skirting repaired. At Ben’s drywall hanging and mudding has continued. All the debris that was cut down last week was hauled away this week.
At the project, we are thankful for those who showed on Thursday up to help with the packing up of the camp and drive vehicles to their destinations. The Weins boys (ages Simon, 13, Ezra, 10, and Isaiah, 7) were very energetic in helping to clean out and take down the temporary bedrooms—using manual screwdrivers!
Pushpa Rather, a homeowner who MDS had repaired the roof and put new siding on the dormers of her home, came to speak to the group on Monday for supper. She shared her life story with us, which we found very interesting.
On Monday Ike was in the process of returning items and had to go to Pushpa’s to check for items that were missing from the rental agreement when she indicated that she would like to provide the volunteers with her special salad—but she would need to go to Walmart to lick up ingredients. Ike agreed. (“How long would it take to get salad stuff?” he thought as he waited.) She returned saying that she knew this store made really good Samosas but the bakery was just in the process of making them and it would be an hour, so wait he did!! He took her home and promised to pick her up for supper with his departing words when he left to get her were “I’m going to pick her up but if not back on time for supper, then start and we will get here when we get here!” They got back in good time and the salad was very delicious. Thank-you, Pushpa.
Thursday afternoon was the big event of the week with the MDS Closing Celebration at the Sydney River United Protestant Church (the facility that has graciously allowed MDS to use as a base for the past 6 weeks). There were many dignitaries of the community expressing their gratitude for the help and hope MDS gave to the local communities. The event was attended by approximately 75 people who were also served a delicious chicken meal courtesy of Cameron’s Building Centre followed with a decorated cake (provided by United Way) which was ceremonially cut by Ross Penner (MDS Executive Director) and Lynn McCarren (United Way Executive Director).
You can view a recording of the closing celebration by going to the United Way of Cape Breton Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/UnitedWayOfCapeBreton/
Here’s a link to a news article: https://atlantic.ctvnews.ca/hurricane-cleanup-volunteers-finish-up-in-cape-breton-1.6533847
As MDS goes from this place we trust God’s presence through the MDS volunteers will be experienced by the people of Cape Breton in a new way with hope and peace.
Submitted by Priscilla Epp
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