Join us on Saturday for the 2025 Annual Celebration Live Stream

Join us Saturday for the 2025 Annual Celebration Live

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Our long-term volunteers this week, serving as head cook, Tim Gerber, OH; assistant cooks, Anita & Andy Stoner, OH; construction supervisor, David King, VA; crew leaders, Larry Loganbill and Gene Kaufman, KS; project director and office manager, Don and Rachel Horst, KS.  Serving for their second week were Mitchell Wiens and Tyreese Hildebrandt from SK.  Our 12 weekly volunteers from IN brought our total number of volunteers this week to 22.

Repairs were completed this week at the Huskey, Cheney, Standifer and Smith house, allowing all four of these job cards to be signed off.  At Stegall’s house, a porch roof and steps were built as well as guttering installed.  Drywall work was begun at Marshall’s house.

Highlights this week included joining the folk at the First Baptist Church in Amory for our Wed. evening meal.  It has been a pleasure meeting a variety of people and enjoying the fine hospitality of the Amory community.  Having the team from Yellow Creek here this week was like a mini “family reunion” as this is the third site many of us have served with them on.

Next week’s team will continue with hanging drywall at Marshall’s house and installing a new roof at Taylor’s.

Since this is transition week, Stan Kauffman arrived to serve as office manager; Fred and Millie Hershey as project director and LTV; Judy Schmidt as head cook; Jon and Jenny Stuckey, crew leader and assistant cook; Ken and Suetta Hollinger as crew leader and LTV.  We pray God’s blessing on them and their efforts to continue bringing hope and joy to the Amory community.

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