Check out the TWO new books from MDS

Check out the TWO new books from MDS

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Greetings from another great week in Southwest Louisiana!  The weather was good for the week with a little bit of rain (which also increased the humidity).
We continued to work on Brandalyn’s house in Elton.  We started on a little bit of rebuilding this week rather than all destruction, so maybe we have turned a corner.  We removed the existing floor tiles and put down new sub-flooring.  We took off the sheet rock and wall paneling and insulated the outside walls.  We took off the ceiling tiles for a new ceiling. Everything we took off seemed to have many nails and staples that needed removed also!  Much electric wiring was run to update the electricity and create plugs in convenient locations.  We continued to level up the house, windows and close in the air conditioner opening to make the house more secure.  On Thursday two of the “boys” from the traditional group helped us at our job site.  They worked on the repairing the roof and replacing shingles.  Better them than us!!!!
Brandalyn and her daughter Allie stopped by one day as we were cleaning up and were excited about the progress being done in their home!
We were invited to join the Traditional MDS group at their Jennings location for dinner on Thursday night.  We listened to a local farmer about rice and crayfish farming.  This was very interesting since this is the one of the major industries in the area.  It also gave us the opportunity to say “until next time” to some of the members of the traditional group that were leaving over the weekend to either go home or on to other projects.  Blessings to Lucinda, Joyce, Randall and Jonah!
On Friday we went out for our traditional breakfast and were able to catch up with one of our previous RV volunteers that is now going to be working at the Traditional Project in Jennings.  Saturday brought individual adventures and errands and on Sunday we attended church and had lunch in Iowa, Louisiana.
Until next week, we are looking forward to another wonderful week,
Duane and Jean, Bob and Cyndi, David and Karen

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