October 29, 2022
Welsh, LA – RV – Oct. 23-29, 2022
Once again greetings from beautiful SW Louisiana!
We had another busy week working on Brandalyn’s house. Every day brings us one step closer to giving her a safe and secure house. This week we finished hanging drywall in the living room, boxed in the windows and installed outlets in living room. A lot of time was spent mudding and sanding in the living room and getting it ready for paint. We removed the old wood siding in the bathroom so we can insulate it and put up the drywall. We continued to install cement board siding on the outside and found the water and gas lines the house. A couple of guys took a load to the dump and I hear that was quite the experience!!!!
On Thursday we were privileged to attend the house blessing of a project in Welsh. This was a project that the Traditional group out of Jennings has been working on and Shirley was so excited to have her new home. She was just as much an inspiration to us as we were to her!!! It made us think that everything we do is so worth it to help the people who have lost so much.
Saturday some of us took an adventure to Lafayette and Sunday we attended the local Baptist Church. Everyone in Welsh and the surrounding area have been so friendly and welcoming to us. This is a great area of the country!!! Sunday night we fellowshipped with outside games and good conversation.
Waiting to see what God has for us next,
Duane and Jean, Bob and Cyndi, David and Karen
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