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It was another great week in Louisiana!  It did not rain all week!  This week we installed flooring, painted and installed door trim at Veronica’s.  At Jacob’s we installed ceiling fans and lights, touched up the paint on the inside and painted the facia and soffit on the outside.  We laid flooring through a good portion of the house, hung inside doors, installed lights in the bathrooms and painted the bathroom cabinets.  We installed toilets, installed base and casement trim, installed hardy board on the outside and fabricated a book for the HVAC closet.  We installed sinks in the bathrooms, painted and installed kitchen cabinets and painted and installed Hardy board.  Jacob is going to have a beautiful home when we are done and we are looking forward to blessing him with that.
Last week was a busy week and delicious week for us.  On Tuesday we were invited to share a meal with the Disaster Aid of Ohio group at their base in Lake Charles, Wednesday we went to the weekly dinner at the Church of Christ in Jennings, Thursday we had our weekly Pot Luck and Friday morning we went out to breakfast!!!!  MDS is not all work and we enjoy spending time with our MDS family.
We said “until next time” to Steve and Pam and to Lynn and Darlene.  We welcomed Sieg and Elenore Dyck from Canada and look forward to renewing and making memories with them.
Blessings to all,
Duane and Jean, Bob and Cyndi, Dave and Karen, Jim and Linda, Joe and Roxanna, Lee and Kathy and Sieg and Elenore

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