Check out the TWO new books from MDS

Check out the TWO new books from MDS

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Sixteen volunteers were working on sites in the North Shuswap this week. The volunteers came from Winnipeg, Red Deer, Morden, Winkler, Meldrum Bay, Waldheim, Cranbrook, Okotoks, Blind Bay and Port Moody. We were joined by five community volunteers on some of the days.

This week, a significant event occurred at Rosie’s house. Our structural inspection passed, giving us permission to proceed with the installation of insulation and vapour barriers. On Wednesday, we had our vapour barrier inspected and it passed with a few conditions, all of which are doable.

As of today, we have four houses in progress. Three have roofs, three houses have electrical and plumbing roughed in, and two are at lockup stage. Siding and soffit installations are nearing completion on two of them. This week, the excavation was completed on our fourth house.

Highlights of the week: I caught up with our fourth homeowner Ted this week. Ted relayed how his introduction to MDS was a complete surprise. He told me how his son and daughter made an application on his behalf to MDS Canada explaining his life circumstances. Then, one day the Response Coordinator Peter Thiessen showed up, introduced himself and started talking to Ted about the possibility of constructing a new house for him. Ted expressed his gratitude several times and said at 68 years old he is excited about the options that a new house opens up for him.

Plans for next week: Next week, we want to move forward with footing and foundation wall construction on house four. We are ready to drywall two houses, and we could be locking up our third house.

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