Check out the TWO new books from MDS

Check out the TWO new books from MDS

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This week we had four people from Pennsylvania, three at very short notice. We were grateful they were able to come! One, Alvin, is an elderly construction worker who still works at least 10 hours a day!

Five more volunteers came from New York, to give us a much-needed push on the repair sites.

The new build is going forward slowly, with contractors digging for the footers. Next week we hope to set rebar and pour concrete.

We finished repairing the interior of Mary Brown’s house, part of a longer project that took several weeks. That job is almost ready to sign off.

One crew worked inside Ola Parker’s double-wide trailer, led by Alvin, who specially enjoys fixing up trailers. Katie Snyder directed a deck project outside Ola’s home, teaching Rita the basics of that art. Rita went home with pictures to show off to her friends! Dennis helped us out with Ola’s plumbing, while others replaced the whole roof. The wheelchair ramp is started.

At Bobby Simmons’ house, we began repairing the porch. Next week we’ll tackle roof repairs and exterior doors.

Everyone went home happy after a campfire at Bobby Simmon’s riverside property on Friday evening, for those who wanted. We had a nice, relaxed weekend!

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