Check out the TWO new books from MDS

Check out the TWO new books from MDS

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This week July 1-5, 2024, brought beautiful weather. Mostly sunny days and warmer than the last couple or weeks. We did get rain in the late afternoon, on Tuesday, but we were able to work every day. 

We worked on Jerry’s job, which started on June 26, and we have 95% complete, as of Friday at 3:30.  It is such a nice feeling for a crew to see the completion of a client’s house at the end of their week. They said Jerry just smiled a big smile when she saw how much they got done this week. 

The work at Sharon’s house is much more tedious. There were water issues, the hose is larger, the skirting around the house needed a base, and all of the siding needed painted. The crews there stuck with the job at hand and did a wonderful job with the work that was completed this week on Sharon’s house. Next week’s crew will have to pick up and keep the job on the move. 

We did not have a guest speaker from the Red Lake Nation this week. Mitch, Glenn, and LeRoy did get to meet with Eugene and Tracey from the Red Lake Nation and go over the projects that have been completed and projects we are currently working on, as well as future projects. Mitch also said that Eugene has been suggesting that we be in the Pow Wow Celebration parade that they will be having on Saturday, July 6. So, we contacted the Lititz office, and they sent us rubber hammers and hard hat key chains and we purchased candy so that they could pass them out during the parade. Mitch decided to use a pickup truck and the tool trailer for our float. Everyone will have gone home except Mitch, Inko (who is leaving at 2:00), Eli, Doreen, and LeRoy. I am sure it will be a fun time and I look forward to hearing about it in next week’s report. 

At the MDS home site, we had a group that loved to play games. Not outside games but lots of table games. We also got rid of the paper floor runners that had temporarily been put down in the hallway and we were donated black carpet floor runners to take their place. The food was fabulous again thanks to Walter and Lorraine. And Inko will be leaving on Saturday to head back to Lititz and then back home to Zimbabwe, his native land. Because of that, we had ice cream cake for his departure. He was wonderful to work with and we all wished him the best in his future. And tonight, everyone else at Red Lake traveled to the Pow Wow site. What a way to end the week.    

Judy Bird for the Red Lake Team  


Judy Bird for the Red Lake Team 

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