Check out the TWO new books from MDS

Check out the TWO new books from MDS

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Greetings from Port Charlotte Florida. The week started with new leadership, Keith and Janet Graybill, Project Director and Office Manager, and a new construction supervisor Henry Schellenberg. In addition, a new crew leader Roger Friesen and new cooks Eunice Fox and Melinda Shirk joined the team of 2 existing crew leaders and 3 long term volunteers.  We welcomed 12 teenage ladies from Indiana along with their driver couple.  Another volunteer from Va. joined our group.

The week was busy with repairs in progress on engaged homes. Floorings, drywall installation, spackling and painting consumed much of the week.  After inspections cleared, we completed one roof, with a second roof nearly completed.

Thursday evening an invited Hurricane Ian survivor joined us for dinner and shared her lived  experience. The trauma she experienced from the winds, rain, loss of husband; compounded by insurance fraud are real in her life. Yet, she is grateful how God has answered her prayers in bringing MDS and others to help repair and put her home back to together.

Saturday morning, we say Good bye to our 3 Long Term Volunteers, Lucinda, Mary Joyce and Maik as they travel to Texas for their next assignment. Their energy will be missed and we wish them well.

                                                                 Janet for the Port Charlotte Team

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