Check out the TWO new books from MDS

Check out the TWO new books from MDS

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We added three couples this week, the Heinrichs, Andersons and Gregorys and said goodbye to the Brennemans and Frenches. Office manager, Johnny Weilen, left last weekend and Ina Heinrichs became the office manager until the project shuts down in December. It was a prosperous week, achieving many of the goals set.  

At the McAllisters home, the crew continued to prep and lay floors, painted and installed baseboards, added insulation to walls.  

At the Minnix home, plumbing and electricity installation was begun,  insulation was completed, and drywall installation was started.  

A new home was added to the project, the Diggles family. Paneling and drywall was stripped, insulation was installed and drywall was hung or patched and mudded. Wiring was begun in the kitchen.  

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