March 22, 2025
Merced, CA – March 16-22, 2025
Weekly volunteers joining us this week came from San Francisco and Chicago. Continuing as long-term volunteers were Crew Leaders, Lauren King, Katie and Jonathon Snyder; Head and Assistant Cooks, Kathy and Steve Rhodes as well as Project Director and Office Manager, Don and Rachel Horst. Our number of volunteers came to nine.
Repairs continued at Julie’s house until all assigned repairs were completed. Vinyl snap in flooring was laid, baseboard installed as well as the frame for the double door replaced in the Calvery Assembly of God Youth Chapel. Tues. was spent organizing, cleaning and building structures for the MDS Warehouse in Kingsburg, CA. Bunkbeds were taken down in the Habitat For Humanity hub house and much laundry done for storing linens.
Highlights included welcoming Don & Rachel’s son and grandson as volunteers this week. Having three generations volunteering together was delightful. The combination of getting to go to the new California MDS Warehouse and carry out needed tasks there was very meaningful. Feasting on the tasty cake Julie Hogan and her sister gave us as a thank you to all the volunteers who worked on their house was a pleasant surprise too.
Plans for the upcoming week are to install insulation and drywall in Pedro’s house and continue with packing up the camp for our final shutdown.
The gentle rain that came on St Patrick’s Day brought thoughts of the green meadows of Irland and the 23rd Psalm. It’s comforting and reassuring imagery of God, as a loving and protective Shephard, remind us of God’s provision and guidance in all circumstances, for all peoples.
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