March 25, 2023
Bastrop, TX – March 19-25, 2023
Oh Glory, How Happy I Am
Rev. Gary Davis was one of dozens of musicians discovered and recorded by Alan Lomax in the 1940’s. His many gospel songs, plus his vocal and guitar style influenced many performers. He was born in 1896 in South Carolina and became blind as an infant. He learned to play the guitar, developing his unique thumb and finger style. His song, “Samson and Delilah” was recorded by Peter, Paul and Mary and the Grateful Dead, bringing him enough royalties to support him for the rest of his life. As good as that is, I like “Oh Glory, How Happy I Am” much more.
Oh Glory, How Happy I am
Oh Glory, How Happy I am
My Soul’s been washed in the Blood of the Lamb
Glory Hallelu
That song that came into my mind as I awoke on Tuesday, the one year anniversary of the Elgin tornado and the day before the dedication of Mr. Leonard’s new home. As I was preparing for the day, some new verses came to me, telling the story of Mr. Leonard’s experiences, during and since the Elgin tornado of March 21, 2022.
Weekly volunteers on hand for this past week were a group from Lancaster County, PA. Many had been in La Grange in 2019, so it was good to see familiar faces. Our crew leaders, from Germany, Ontario, and Pennsylvania were able to focus on just three houses at the start of the week and two by the end of the week.
At Mr. Leonard’s there was a short punch list to do and final cleaning prior to the dedication on Wednesday. The final inspection and installation of the HVAC units were completed. When about 50 friends, family, local officials and MDS volunteers gathered for the dedication, we celebrated and sang the new verses to the song and filled the new house with praise.
When the tornado came your way
It busted the windows, nearly blew you away
But the Lord looked out for you that day
Glory Hallelu
The wind knocked you onto the floor,
Then covered you up with a door.
Without that you might be here no more.
Glory Hallelu
Looked at the ruins, didn’t know what to say,
Then the Lord sent helpers out your way
They said they’d build a new place to stay
Glory Hallelu
It’s not been easy, but you waited and prayed
The work was started, the walls were raised
It looked more like your house every day
Glory Hallelu
It’s now a year since those strong winds blew
The promise of a home is coming true
On this dedication day, we sing with you
Glory Hallelu
The other two houses were the centers of a lot of work, ranging from detailed trim, painting and cabinet work inside, plus some ramp work outside as the weather permitted. There was a sense of urgency as items of the list of remaining tasks were slowly checked off. We only have a few days now to finish these two houses with a lot to accomplish yet. We have high hopes for next week’s volunteers.
Oh Glory, How Happy I am
Oh Glory, How Happy I am
My Soul’s been washed in the Blood of the Lamb
Glory Hallelu
From the MDS Elgin Tornado response, Bastrop County, Texas
Evie, Bob, Sharon, Dick, Janey, Jonas, Laura and Carl