Check out the TWO new books from MDS

Check out the TWO new books from MDS

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Mother with children outside of their house.Mother with children outside of their house.

Ways to Donate to MDS

Your Gifts Make A Difference

Each year, donations support thousands of Mennonite Disaster Service volunteers who clean up, repair or rebuild homes for hundreds of disaster survivors in the U.S. and Canada.

Disaster survivors need our volunteers more than ever and your donations will keep them going! Your gifts will help them respond to ferocious wildfires in the West, violent storms in the Midwest, and the hurricanes that have struck the Gulf Coast.

Monthly Donation

Support lesser known disasters by becoming a monthly donor.

Major disasters make headlines which often inspire donations for support. However, many are impacted by disasters that never make the news. Monthly gifts provide consistent support for our volunteers throughout the year and help us respond to all disasters, regardless of their media coverage.

Memorials, Honorariums and Gift Registries

Mennonite Disaster Service can receive donations in memory of someone or in honor of a special occasion like a birthday, wedding, or anniversary.

Our donation form is setup for donors to indicate who they are honoring or memorializing and who should be notified about their gift. Contact Development Manager, Brad Fair through email or 717-735-3536 to establish a memorial for a loved one or an honorarium for a special occasion. We can then ensure that donations are properly identified, and the appropriate people are notified about memorial and honorarium donations.

Planned Giving

As you plan your lifetime gifts, you can name the MDS Legacy Fund as a beneficiary of your estate gifts.

Through the MDS Legacy Fund, you can support under-funded long-term disaster response projects. Often these are the “quiet disasters” – those events that have not received widespread attention or support.

You can designate a gift of any size to the MDS Legacy Fund, at any time.

Ask MDS partners with Everence (Mennonite Church), Mennonite Brethren Foundation, and the Brethren in Christ Foundation to help you explore the planned giving options that are right for your situation.

Through gift planning, you can provide future support for MDS, while also giving you and your loved ones financial flexibility, potential tax benefits and even income for life.

For more information, contact Kevin King, Executive Director using this form or call 1-(717)-735-3536.

To name MDS as a beneficiary, you may need our address and Tax ID (EIN) Number:
EIN: 23-2713127

Mennonite Disaster Service
583 Airport Rd
Lititz, PA 17543

How will MDS use my gift?

The majority of donations to MDS help volunteers repair and rebuild homes in disaster-affected areas. Donations cover the costs of tools and equipment and support volunteers with food, accommodations and transportation to the work site. The average cost to support a volunteer is about $50 per day.

In some cases, MDS uses donations to purchase building materials. MDS frequently collaborates with a Long Term Recovery Committee in a disaster-affected community. It is comprised of other disaster agencies and local organizations who often have funding available for building materials for our volunteers. Sometimes homeowners have money from insurance or FEMA to assist with these expenses. However, should one of these funding sources be limited, MDS will use donated dollars to complete a project and get a disaster survivor home again.

MDS is a 501 (C)(3) and all donations are tax deductible. MDS receipts all donations regardless of amount.

All donor information is confidential. No information is shared or disseminated to any company, agency or individual.

Information provided through this website is confidential. All credit card information is secure and is not retained beyond the time of credit card processing.