Check out the TWO new books from MDS

Check out the TWO new books from MDS

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Cody Hurst, MDS volunteerCody Hurst, MDS volunteer

West Virginia. Texas. California. Twenty-four-year-old Cody Hurst really gets around as a Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS) volunteer! He began serving with MDS back in 2016, when he helped build a driveway bridge in West Virginia.

Cody Hurst, MDS volunteer

Now hes not only a repeat volunteer, but a crew leader, too! He stayed for three weeks in McAllen, Texas earlier this year to serve as a crew leader on very short notice. In March, he went to Paradise, California with a group from his church, Forest Hills Mennonite in Leola, Pennsylvania. Hell be returning to Paradise with a young adult group this summer.

Cody Hurst, MDS volunteer

What keeps him on the road with MDS? Ive always loved mission trips,” said Hurst. I dont think theres any better feeling than sitting down after a long days work, and youre a little bit sore, and youre knowing you just did a little bit of good for someone.”

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