October 16, 2017
Home for Thanksgiving
Eureka, Kan. — The Hatcher family is looking forward to eating turkey and dressing in their new home this Thanksgiving. Their previous home was destroyed by a tornado in July 2016. On Saturday, September 16 this vision became more real as 22 volunteers from different parts of Kansas joined together to construct the floor, raise the walls and mount trusses on the Hatcher homestead site.
The walls were raised and secured just before wind and rain overtook the work site. Several volunteers waited the weather out and by the end of day the trusses were in place.
Construction of the Hatcher home began when MDS Kansas Unit volunteers prebuilt the walls in a parking lot at the First Mennonite Church, Newton, stood the house up and dedicated it with the Hatchers. The walls were then transported on trailers to the waiting foundation.
The building process continues with more volunteers putting all the pieces together with God’s amazing plan until materials becomes a home. What a joy to become an instrument for God, providing hope while working together. There is even time to get to know the homeowners, Eureka neighbors and other Kansas Mennonite volunteers.
On October 5, Wayne and I returned to visit with Bill Mast (MDS Oklahoma Unit) and his new crew of long term MDS volunteers who recently arrived from their orientation in Lititz. The team is staying in a local Christian camp where they experience MDS style of “camp living” by taking turns cooking meals, cleanup, leading devotions, etc.
Elmer Hatcher says this group, some of whom are from Germany, is now part of their family.
Bill Mast (Project Director) is training this group the MDS style of house building. They were last seen placing siding on the Hatcher home.
By Wayne and Carole Stucky, MDS Region 3 Board Co-chairs.