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A wall gets raised by volunteers in Crisfield, MDA wall gets raised by volunteers in Crisfield, MD

By Lois Wenger

Brothers dont always think or act alike.  But two Visser brothers have a good thing going.  Isaac, 17, and Ezekiel, 15, are getting some MDS experiences under their belts. Tool belts, that is.

Isaac had his first stint with MDS last year in Paradise, California, and Ezekiel accompanied him to Clayhole, Kentucky, in January of this year.  Early in the year, Isaac requested another volunteer trip for his 17th birthday…and he got it.  A trip to Crisfield, Maryland.  Both boys went to Arcadia, Florida, in April.

My favorite part about MDS trips,” says Isaac, “is being able to hear the homeownersstories firsthand. Ive been able to do that at every site Ive been to.”

Ezekiel liked meeting the homeowners, too, and hearing how much it meant to them to have help getting back home. He also enjoyed learning to know the other volunteers.  “And I cant complain about the food because you were the cook!” he chuckled.

In hot Arcadia, the Vissers had the unique experience of seeing alligators — not a part of the standard fauna of Lake Champlain near their home in Port Henry, New York.  They liked seeing the Gulf of Mexico, too, and gained a new appreciation for southern roofers!!

“My favorite part about MDS trips is being able to hear the homeowners’ stories firsthand. I’ve been able to do that at every site I’ve been to.”

— Isaac Visser , MDS Volunteer

Isaac especially liked working at Mary Toths house.  “We went right down to the Peace River and could see exactly how far the river rose to get so high in her house.”  He enjoyed getting tips from an experienced painter there, too.

And I thought I knew how to paint,” said Ezekiel, but John showed me I didnt.”

Great Aunt Ruth is a critical part of these experiences.  She is the gateway to new horizons and skills, providing transportation to the sites and working alongside the young men.

Both Isaac and Ezekiel are ready for the next MDS adventure whenever the bus is leaving.

And speaking of brothers, Jedediah, 13, and Jacob, 12, are already standing in line.

Lois Wenger, a frequent MDS volunteer, lives Port Henry, New York.

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