Check out the TWO new books from MDS

Check out the TWO new books from MDS

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The Housewarmer Project provides quilted wall hangings and prayer shawls to disaster survivors whose homes have been rebuilt or restored by Mennonite Disaster Service. This project began as a collaboration between MDS and Mennonite Women USA. The wall hangings and prayer shawls are presented to the homeowner at the dedication of the home. These handmade gifts are a lasting symbol of compassion and of coming home.

The project, originally called Housewarming Sister-Link, began in January 2005. Rebecca Sommers and Elaine Good felt that a quilted wall hanging would be an appropriate keepsake to be presented at MDS home dedications.

Those who knit or crochet use their skills to create prayer shawls. When completed the shawl maker(s) offer a blessing before the shawl is sent on its way. Shawls proved comfort during challenging times such as a disaster.

We invite you and your friends to participate! Guidelines for creating a quilted wall hanging and prayer shawl are printed below. Please contact MDS if you have additional questions.

Guidelines for Wall Hangings


The pattern, fabrics, and quilting design, are all your choice. Please use new fabric and avoid fabric that includes animals, sports teams, or trendy designs


On the back of your wall hanging, please sew a “hanging sleeve”


Dimensions should be somewhere between 24 x 24 inches and 36 x 36 inches square or rectangle. When you add up all four sides, the total outside length should not exceed 150 inches

Guidelines for Prayer Shawls


The pattern, yarn, and design are all your choice.  You may knit, crochet, or weave but please use yarn that is washable.


Dimensions should be 24” x 60”.  Fringe is optional

How to Submit Your Wall Hanging or Prayer Shawl


Take a picture of yourself or your group with your wall hanging or prayer shawl, then print your picture. List the names of the creators on the back of the photo


In the US, send your wall hanging or prayer shawl and photo to the MDS Housewarmer Project, 583 Airport Rd. Lititz, PA 17543.

In Canada, send your wall hanging or prayer shawl and photo to the MDS Canada Office 200-600 Shaftesbury Blvd. Winnipeg, MB R3P 2J1.


Wall hangings or prayer shawls will be distributed to MDS disaster response locations and will be given to homeowners at the time of their home dedication


Rebecca White is the Housewarmer Project coordinator in the US. Rebecca can be reached at 717-735-3536 or

In Canada, contact the MDS Canada Office with questions.

Thank you so much for your willingness to bless these precious survivors!