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Office Managers Training

July 9 - 10, 2024

Lititz, PA
United States

This training is intended for current and prospective Office Managers, as well as Unit and Region Treasurers.

We will discuss a variety of topics, including ledger and accounting requirements, MDS paperwork and procedures, and volunteer hospitality. We will also spend time practicing various Office Manager tasks.

Training Schedule

Tuesday, July 9: 8:30am-6pm Eastern

Wednesday, July 10: 8:30am-6pm Eastern

Registration is closed for this event. 

MDS Project Leadership Trainings are designed for people who have made a commitment to serve with MDS in a leadership capacity. New leaders who have not yet served on a project are strongly encouraged to attend. Leaders who currently serve on projects and have not attended a training for 3 years or more are also highly encouraged to attend. Additionally, Unit, Region, and MDS Board members may benefit from one or more of these trainings.

If you have not yet completed a Leadership Application and are still discerning whether serving as a leadership volunteer is the right fit for you, we recommend that you attend an Introduction to MDS Leadership Volunteering Zoom call to learn more before registering for a leadership training. Introduction to MDS Leadership Volunteering Zoom call dates and registration links can be found on the Events Page.