MDS Lancaster Area Unit Annual Meeting
March 20, 2023
Mount Joy Mennonite Church320 Musser Rd
Mount Joy, PA
United States
Please join the MDS Lancaster Area Unit for our annual meeting at Mount Joy Mennonite Church on March 20, 2023 at 7 p.m.
During our time together, we will review some of our project accomplishments during 2022. You’ll hear inspiring stories of MDS volunteers and their work on the following projects:
- Darby, PA house fire repair
- Jackson, KY flood response – bridge building
- Hurley, VA flood response – new home construction
- Crisfield, MD flood response – new home construction
- Arcadia, FL hurricane clean up, repairs and new construction
- Storm Aid in Louisiana
Our featured speaker is Josh Keefer, North Group Consultant to MDS. Our evening will also include a Region 1 report, a Binational update and a brief business meeting. Snacks, ice cream and fellowship following the meeting.
Have questions or need additional information? Email John Bomberger
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