February 1, 2025
Penitas, TX – Jan. 26-Feb. 1, 2025
Many of the people whose work is in Heartland Hymns or Mountain Laurel books do not have a Wikipedia page nor is any biographical information available on the Prairie View Press website. One such person, Geraldine Koehn, of Kansas, has written many songs, both lyrics and music, that have filled five published books Her song, “Inspired by God”, was written in 2001, and unlike other composers, she does not copywrite her work. Our short-term volunteers from Iowa this past week were an inspiration with their singing each morning, and this one certainly is a good one to live by.
Inspired by God to give to life its meaning,
To fill the deepest longing of my soul
To live in peace and joy that only come from Him,
Inspired to climb, with heaven as my goal.
I believe every person needs some motivational force to be able to carry out their tasks in life. For followers of Christ, God, through His Son, Jesus, provides that inspirational force. Life’s meaning, peace and joy are all fruit of that inspiration.
This week in Penitas, we had short-term volunteers from central Iowa and eastern Pennsylvania to continue the work on the two homes we’ve started so far. Working with long term volunteers from Pennsylvania, Ohio, Ontario, Texas and Michigan, these young people demonstrated a willingness to be the Hands and Feet of Jesus.
The two houses are at about the same place at the end of our third week of construction. Their exteriors are 99% complete. The roofs have shingles and the exterior walls have siding. Most of the siding is caulked and touch-up paint applied. Inside, the walls and ceilings have insulation that hides the completed electrical and plumbing systems.
Blue is a popular color for houses this year as at least three of the clients have selected a shade of blue to go along with the white trim and facia paint. In the midst of brown, South Texas vegetation, the blue houses mimic the bright blue sky. Sadly, we have had more than the normal share of cloudy and cold days, so the young people were glad to see ample sunshine on Thursday and Friday to return home with “Texas Tans.”
Inspired by God to greater love in action,
To seek the path that He on earth has trod.
And forgive as Jesus has forgiven me,
And where he leads walk humbly with my God
This was the final week of our January schedule. Four of the long term volunteers are headed home to Pennsylvania and Ontario, while our Texas long term crew leader will be able to sleep later in the mornings and play some golf on nice days.
We will welcome seven volunteers from Ohio and Michigan who will lead and feed the volunteers of February.
Along with warmer and sunnier weather, we were pleased that no further volunteers tested positive for Covid and that healing of those who did is well underway. We were also glad to have our repaired refrigerator returned in good working condition and that we were able to replace both of the dishwashers in the kitchen trailer soon after the existing ones were deemed as unrepairable.
As we close this month, we can all sing the chorus of Geraldine Koehn’s wonderful hymn….
Then sing my soul in joyful adoration
With praise inspired by God and God alone;
In Him to live and move and have my being
Inspired by God, Almighty on His throne
From the MDS Penitas response, in Hidalgo County, Texas,
Janey, Ellen, David, Rosie, Andrew, Ryan, Ben, Kraig, Laura and Carl