Check out the TWO new books from MDS

Check out the TWO new books from MDS

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We enjoyed a week of warmer temperatures this week in southeast Texas, as we almost finished up Jose’s house.  Nancy and Peggy finished painting trim and doors, and Wilma, Jonathan and Tye worked on installing baseboard, window and door trim with Nancy and Peggy.  Ray, Darlene, Jim, Eleanor, Wilma, Jonathan and Pete all worked on and finished installing flooring this week.  There was a lot of flooring!   Tye installed electrical outlets while Jim worked on the water heater.  Eleanor did some caulking and then began cleaning. It was a very productive week, for sure!  On Thursday after work we enjoyed ice cream at a lovely ice cream parlor named Sweet Scoops.

Since this was the last week in February we were sad to say goodbye to Tye and Nancy, but excited to welcome Rosie and Don Lauzon from British Columbia, Canada. After attending the service at the First United Methodist Church on Sunday we had a delicious lunch of Mexican food at Los Compradres here in Dayton.

Submitted by Loretta for Liberty RV Team-Pete, Peggy and Paul, Nancy and Tye, Darlene and Ray, Eleanor and Jim, Jonathan and Wilma

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