Check out the TWO new books from MDS

Check out the TWO new books from MDS

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On going crew leader, Alta Zimmerman from PA, was joined this week by Lauren King, Crew Leader from OH; Thomas Mosier, Crew Leader from AZ; Bob Tingle, Crew Leader from CA; Kathy & Steve Rhodes, Head and Assistant Cook from VA; Don & Rachel Horst, Project Director and Office Manager from KS.  A team of 15 weekly volunteers from SK brought our total number of volunteers this week to 23.

Repairs were done this week in four different homes.  At Jose’s house flooring, drywall, plumbing, painting, as well as cabinets and trim were installed.  At Julie’s house, cabinets were removed, drywall and mudding in the kitchen was completed.  Baseboard and carpet were removed at Maria’s house as well as vinyl flooring laid, drywall repaired, mudded and painted.  A damaged kitchen cabinet was removed and replaced at Ericka’s house.

Highlight of the week included serving alongside the energetic Canadian youth, teaching them new skills and watching them quickly grasp how to do things they had never done before.  Their high level of energy continued into the evening, with some lively volleyball in the parking lot, as well as storytelling and singing around the gas fire pit.

Unfortunately, we had to cancel the incoming weekly volunteers for next week due to the county putting a hold on permits.  Our long term volunteers will finish the four jobs that were started and hopefully permits will be issued so new sites can begin next week.

Even though some plans do not go as we would hope for, we remain grateful for the Lord’s unconditional love and seek guidance and discernment as we adjust.

Rachel Horst for the Merced team

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